We deliver goods to the EU countries, Turkey, Russia and the CIS countries - carefully, quickly, economically.

Complete transportation

Complete transportation

The most common type of logistics services is complete transportation.

Unlike most transport and logistics companies, Dialog LTD uses all modern types of rolling stock, be it standard Euro-trucks, Mega-trailers, volumetric Couplings up to 120 m3 and Refrigerators, including two-chamber semitrailers with different temperature conditions.

This aspect is a competitive advantage that allows us to meet any customer needs, depending on the nature of the transported goods.

Having rich experience, the specialists of our company will be able to provide the necessary transport both for one-time transportation and for project deliveries, in which several machines are simultaneously involved from different loading points.

If necessary, we are ready to organize the simultaneous passage of the borders and the joint arrival of vehicles at the customs (transportation by “block”).

The main directions of Dialog LTD are transportation from the countries of the European Union and Turkey, to Russia and the CIS countries, as well as back. International cargo transportation is carried out in transit through Belarus, the Baltic States or Ukraine, our company, depending on your tasks, will offer the best route.

© 2025 Dialog LTD  ·  Logistic company

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